Top 4 Benefits of Predictive Analytics for Utilities

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Predictive asset analytics in the utility industry is living proof of the adage: forewarned is forearmed. It has been a hot topic in the industry for some time now, and with good reason: predictive asset analytics provides utilities with unparalleled insights into their equipment and fixtures.

What is weather routing, who uses it, and how effective can it be?

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Normal weather routing would typically involve deciding on the shortest possible distance between the point of departure and the destination. For that route to be the optimum or most efficient route, however, you also need to consider many data points, including environmental factors such as wind speed, currents, and wave height.

Is it Time to Redefine Winter Weather

News Insights Forbes Winter Weather

Tornadoes, derechos, and wildfires – This winter is forcing us to rethink the definition of winter weather and the related public safety and economic impacts.