PROBLEM: Navigating the Ups and Downs

The highly volatile energy market has made it more difficult than ever to make successful fuel-buying decisions. Prices often change multiple times each day due to the varying supply of fuel products, or changes to supplier policies.

In addition, rules governing rack prices, operating status of terminals, and other factors further muddy the waters for you.

Without the edge that DTN gives you, it is likely you will fall behind your competitors. To optimize your margins and boost your profitability in this competitive arena, you must have access to the latest, best market information.

SOLUTION: Real-Time Information at Your Fingertips

At DTN we manage 80 percent of the North American supply chain pricing and billing transactions every day. Our leadership in the industry gives you the tools you need not only to survive, but also to thrive.

DTN Fuel Buyer provides real-time updates on market conditions, pricing, and much more in one easy-to-use, customizable interface. It supplements that data with the latest news headlines on market-moving events from the industry.

From one screen you can quickly evaluate:

Contracts Supplier Prices Outages Resupply and Allocation Messaging Rack and Spot Prices Futures Market Information Market-Impacting Weather

You receive an analysis of what it all means for your business, along with actionable insights. Price alerts and purchase calculations help you react quickly to optimize your operations. You now have what you need to monitor the market and make profitable decisions at any time and from anywhere.

Our Fuel Buying Products

red fuel truck with red and white stripe on tank in motion
DTN Allocation Tracker

Benefit from accurate, real-time allocation information, ensuring product availability. Stay rate-able with your contracts.

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two fuel trucks driving down rural interstate road at sunset
DTN DataConnect®

DTN DataConnect captures and organizes a steady stream of vital supplier data, making it easy for you to stay informed and in control of your business.

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green host from tanker into ground
DTN FastRacks

The fastest, most comprehensive, most accurate pricing info in the industry & updates all of that in real-time.

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amber truck with two tanks driving down desert road
DTN Fuel Admin

Streamline your eBOLs, save you time and make you more money. Automate the flow of eBOL data into your accounting system.

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fuel truck profile driving down highway
DTN Fuel Buyer

Get an edge in today’s market. Real-time updates on market conditions, pricing, & more. Easy-to-use, customizable interface.

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dtn price admin product card
DTN Price Admin

Simplify your pricing. Automate your communication.

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Energy Digital Commerce Product Card
Energy Digital Commerce

Through a streamlined online marketplace, enjoy fast, easy access to multiple fuel sellers, and buy at the best price available.

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Product Card Refined Fuels Demand Hand holding pen
Refined Fuels Demand

Maximize your profitability with accurate, timely fuel demand intelligence.

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Truck driving in snowy conditions
Temperature Correction Index

As the industry’s only source of accurate temperature correction information, the Temperature Correction Index can help you ensure more accurate pricing.

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