MetConsole Low-Level Windshear Alerting System (LLWAS)

MetConsole Low-Level Windshear Alerting System (LLWAS) is your customizable solution to windshear.

You can be ready to handle any windshear event with the DTN MetConsole LLWAS, a module of the Aviation Weather Suite. By collecting real-time wind speed data and direction readings from a carefully placed array of runway wind observation stations, you’ll have the information you need to minimize the effects of weather events.

This in-situ detection system has the highest probability of detection for dry or wet windshear events in all atmospheric conditions.


MetConsole LLWAS is the most reliable windshear detection system.

With the MetConsole LLWAS, you can have quick and accurate detection of windshear events, ensuring the safety of your passengers. MetConsole LLWAS uses the US FAA-approved Phase-3 LLWAS Algorithm, initially developed by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR).

As a part of the MetConsole Aviation Weather Suite, the MetConsole LLWAS provides you with a full set of unique features:

  • Sensor Independency – You will have the freedom to install any brand of wind sensor ensures maximum value throughout the life cycle.
  • Customizable User-Friendly Interface – The flexible solutions offered through MetConsole LLWAS allow you to meet any unique and diverse requirements.
  • Software-Centric – MetConsole LLWAS seamlessly integrates with the rest of DTN systems such as AWOS, ATIS, LiWAS, and more.
  • Site Performance Evaluation System (SPES) – Continually performing self-checks for data quality ensuring LLWAS operates flawlessly.
  • Windshear Detection – Continuous evaluation of data quality from remote wind stations provides the ability to track windshear accurately.
  • MetConsole LLWAS is resilient, ensuring it can still function even if some stations fail to operate.


Customize MetConsole LLWAS for your local requirements.

Keep your passengers safe by receiving real-time weather data and alerts regarding gust fronts, microbursts, and downbursts, decreasing delays and weather-related cancellations.

The entire MetConsole Aviation Weather Suite is designed for you to customize systems to meet your specific requirements and comply with the most rigorous specifications. You’ll have peace of mind knowing that our system has been independently rated as having the most accurate weather forecasts.

Step it up a level with the DTN LiDAR Windshear Alerting System (LiWAS). Are you tired of getting multiple alerts? You’ll be able to merge all windshear alerts generated by difference sources (LLWAS, Radar, and LiDAR) into a single set of alerts with the integration algorithm, eliminating multiple alerts at any given time.

When you use the MetConsole Aviation Weather Suite, you’ll enjoy improved probability of detection and reduced false alarm ratio of the weather alerting system. Air Traffic Controllers receive single source information based on the algorithm developed by the MIT Lincoln Lab (ATC-187) for the integration of windshear alerts of TDWR and LLWAS systems.

DTN Windshear Alerting Systems

Windshear integrated solutions for maximum airport operational safety.

Video Windshear Alerting System
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As any pilot will tell you, windshear is nothing to laugh at. The consequences can be severe. When you deploy this dynamic tool, not only will you reduce staff workload, but you’ll also increase safety by minimizing the possibility of human error.

The unique LLWAS system offers flexibility and customization. You’ll have what you need to maintain safe practices during flights.

See a demo of the MetConsole LLWAS today and learn how you can reduce the effects of windshear and other weather events.