Introduction to Energy Trading & Hedging on Demand

Get an insider's understanding of energy trading and hedging that will demystify the nuances and quirks of trading in the energy market.

Take On Demand

At A Glance

Industry Segment Natural Gas, Oil, Power
Course Level Introductory
CPE Credits 12
DTN Credits 6
Competency Path Certified Energy Trading Professional, Natural Gas, Oil, Power, Trading & Risk Management

What You Will Learn

  • The basics and fundamentals of energy trading.
  • Real-time trading examples for all products in the energy infrastructure using the various technical tools and techniques.
  • What the various energy trading and risk management instruments, tools and techniques are, and how they work.
  • Designing your risk management program, defining your hedge objectives and determining the appropriate hedge strategies for your company.
  • How to define your price/margin exposure.
  • How to assess the risk profile of your company and implement a hedge strategy.
  • Development of daily marked to market, monitoring and adjusting your hedge strategy.

Who Should Attend

This course is applicable to all levels of the energy infrastructure, oil, natural gas, electricity. Energy professionals from the following organizations would highly benefit from this course: Wholesale/marketing companies, jobbers/home heating oil distributors, major oil, natural gas and independent (including marketers, supply and distribution personnel, exchange personnel, terminal managers and risk managers), wholesale and commercial managers, government agencies (Federal, State, and Municipal), transportation companies (gasoline and diesel powered fleets), and utilities.