Introduction to Petroleum Hedging

This course will simplify and remove the mystery surrounding petroleum hedging. You'll get a practical understanding of petroleum hedging and price risk management and how it can benefit your company.

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At A Glance

Industry Segment Natural Gas, Oil
Course Level Introductory to Intermediate
CPE Credits 8
DTN Credits 3
Competency Path Certified Energy Trading Professional, Oil, Trading & Risk Management

What You Will Learn

  • Hedging and risk management defined.
  • NYMEX market basics and functionality.
  • Futures contracts and options on futures.
  • Defining risk and hedge objectives.
  • Forward month trading and curve influence.
  • Marked-to-market accounting.
  • Over-the-counter swaps.

Who Should Attend

Introduction to Petroleum Hedging is designed to benefit a full spectrum of attendees, from those with only a passing curiosity on the subject to those needing hard and fast tips, tools, and techniques they can implement now. Trucking companies, private fleets, construction companies, refiners and marketers, downstream petroleum jobbers, and petroleum end-users and consumers will all benefit from this macro-level course.

Strongly consider attending if you fit one of the following categories:

  • Diesel-powered fleets
  • Gasoline-powered fleets
  • Petroleum jobber personnel
  • Retail chain personnel
  • Oil company management and staff
  • Pipeline management and staff
  • Terminal operations
  • Schedulers
  • Interdepartmental transfers
  • Finance management and staff
  • Administrative personnel
  • Utilities
  • Human resource personnel
  • New/transferred hires from mergers
  • New/transferred hires from acquisition
  • Anyone new to the industry
  • Those considering entering the industry
  • Students and academics
  • Media