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2024 Summer and Tropical Outlook Webinar

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U.K. Outlook Highlights

This infographic provides a quick, at-a-glance overview of our 2024 summer outlook.

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The effects of summer play a huge role for organizations across the U.K. With chilly polar air to the north and warm tropical air to south, two distinctly different types of air battle for control over the mid-latitudes.

Summers in the U.K. bring extreme heat, powerful gales, and flooding, which impacts electric power supply, transport services, and aviation industries to name a few.

Join DTN meteorologist Stephen Davenport as he shares summertime insights and industry-specific planning advice for supply chain logistics, live events, and maybe some early expectations for fall.

Big Ben Rain

Summer Outlook

May 23 | 3 p.m. GMT
If weather events play a critical role in your operations, tune in for our summer outlook. Extreme heat, heavy thunderstorms, gales, and flooding all contribute to the potential effects of summer. Discover where it’s likely to heat up.

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Will this season look different than past winters? The effects of climate change are shifting winter storm patterns. Tune in to see what can be expected throughout the U.K. and regionally throughout Europe.

DTN meteorologist Stephen Davenport shares his predictions for winter 2024/25 including industry-specific planning advice for power utilities, aviation, and more.


Winter Outlook

October 24 | 3 p.m. GMT
If snow, ice, or extreme cold affect your operations, this Winter Outlook webinar should be on your calendar. Find out what next winter will bring to the U.K.

Meet the Presenter

Stephen Davenport

Stephen Davenport

Weather Risk Communicator, DTN

Stephen Davenport is an experienced meteorologist with broad operational forecasting across many sectors, especially energy, commodities, utilities, media, and transport in Europe and America.

Davenport is a fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society and member of the American Meteorological Society and National Weather Association.


Tune-in anytime to watch a replay of previous Weather Outlook webinars. Each episode provides regional forecasts, potential business-sector effects, and analysis for planning purposes relative to the industries DTN serves.

  • A recap of the prior webinar’s seasonal forecast details
  • A comprehensive analysis of potential industry effects from severe weather
  • Expert insights into industry specific planning considerations

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