Identify new opportunities and maximize profitability
Accurately calculate market share Easily assess the effectiveness of your campaigns on a market-by-market basis with segmented daily demand data.Trading
Volume-weighted settlements are now possible Quickly calculate demand on pipes or regions supplied out of any spot market, factoring interday price and volume volatility into OTC settlements.Operations
Maximize profits with predictive models Better identify the markets that will yield your highest returns with product values and daily demand figures to support statistical price/demand correlations.Retailers
Avoid run-outs and be more proactive Stay ahead of potential problems and ensure timely deliveries by efficiently monitoring daily liftings in critical markets.See the missing piece of the demand data puzzle.
The decisions you make can only be as good as the data you use. Traditional sources of demand data rely on lagging indicators and also lack granularity. The results are too high level, old, or inaccurate to be meaningful.
Turn your educated guesses into educated decisions with our new Refined Fuels Demand solution. It delivers vital context with timely, accurate market-level volumetric information made possible by our unique position. We’re the energy downstream’s preferred partner, managing nearly 85% of all its U.S. transactions.
Access to this data is easy. It’s available through our popular DTN ProphetX® desktop solution or our flexible API. Start making better business decisions today.
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Turn your educated guesses into educated decisions. Talk to an account manager today.